Our team

  • Thanh Nguyen


    Thanh Nguyen Founder & CEO Areas of expertise Import-Export Business F&B Industry Finance...

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  • Trang Nguyen


    Trang Nguyen Accounting Manager Areas of expertise   Working at an accounting consulting company,...

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  • Huong Nguyen


    Huong Nguyen Human Resource Manager (HR) Areas of expertise Consulting travel services Design packages,...

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  • Hang Dinh

    Travel & Event

    Hang Dinh Travel Manager Areas of expertise Consulting and caring for personal and corporate travel...

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  • Dung Dinh


    Dung Dinh MICE & Events Sales Manager Areas of expertise Tour design and operation Event operation...

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  • Duc Nam

    Travel & Event

    Duc Nam Sales Executive Areas of expertise Booking Tour, Hotel, Villa, Golf Consulting travel services...

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  • Hieu Nguyen

    Travel & Event

    Hieu Nguyen Sales Executive Areas of expertise Booking Tour, Hotel, Villa, Golf Consulting travel...

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  • Bich Ngan

    Travel & Event

    Bich Ngan Sales Executive Areas of expertise Booking Tour, hotel, villa, golf Consulting travel...

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  • Thao Hoang

    Real Estate

    Thao Hoang Sales Executive Areas of expertise Consulting and providing travel services for individuals...

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“The results were clear, professional, and persuasive, and the investors and advisors who have seen the materials loved them. They know what investors want!”

Damian Smulders
CTO, DeepOcean Entertainment